Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Labeling Theory

Labeling theory is the idea that claims deviance is a product of external judgments or labels that change the way the individual feels about themselves and how other people view and interact with that person. Say someone stole something once as a minor and they were arrested and went to court. The cops, the judge, and even the kids parents all call him a thief. The boy might begin to see himself negatively. He might believe that he is just a thief. He then has this title of "thief" and all of the negative connotations that go with it. Then the people around him will start to feel scared around him and treat him as a thief. This leads to self fulfilling prophecy which is a prediction that makes itself come true. If the boy starts to believe that all he can be is a criminal and everyone around him believes that too then he will probably predict that he will grow up and start engaging in more criminal acts. He might do little or nothing to prevent getting into crime because he sees that it is inevitable  thus causing him to fulfill his prophecy.

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